Establish a client connection

A client LIBMI application can establish a client connection with the mi_open() or the mi_server_connect() function

These DataBlade API functions obtain a connection descriptor for the client connection. The following table summarizes the memory operations for a connection descriptor in a client LIBMI application.
Memory duration Memory operation Function name
For the duration of the session Constructor mi_open(), mi_server_connect()
For the duration of the session Destructor mi_close()
Important: When called within a client LIBMI application, DataBlade API functions always use the connection descriptor. Therefore, never send in a NULL-valued pointer as a connection descriptor to DataBlade API functions. Instead, pass in the connection descriptor that the mi_open(), mi_server_connect(), or mi_server_reconnect() function obtains.

After the client LIBMI application has established a connection, the session begins.

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