DataBlade API event types

For a DataBlade API module, an event is a communication from HCL Informix® software that indicates the existence of some predefined condition, usually the occurrence of an exception (warning or error). The DataBlade API represents an event as one of the enumerated values of the MI_EVENT_TYPE data type.

The following table shows the MI_EVENT_TYPE values that the DataBlade API supports.
Table 1. DataBlade API event types
Event type When the event type occurs C UDR Client LIBMI application
MI_Exception Raised when the database server generates an exception (a warning or an error) Yes Yes
MI_EVENT_SAVEPOINT Raised after the cursor flushes within an explicit transaction Yes No
MI_EVENT_COMMIT_ABORT Raised when the database server reaches the end of a transaction in which work was done Yes No
MI_EVENT_END_XACT Raised when the database server reaches the end of a transaction, or if a hold cursor is involved, raised only after the hold cursor is closed

It is preferable to register the MI_EVENT_COMMIT_ABORT callback.

Yes No
MI_EVENT_END_STMT Raised when the database server completes the execution of the current SQL statement, or for statements associated with a cursor, raised when the cursor is closed Yes No
MI_EVENT_POST_XACT Raised just after the database commits or rolls back a transaction if work was done in the transaction or if an MI_EVENT_END_XACT event was raised Yes No
MI_EVENT_END_SESSION Raised when the database server reaches the end of the current session Yes No
MI_Xact_State_Change Raised when the database server starts or ends a transaction, whether the transaction contains one or multiple SQL statements No Yes
MI_Client_Library_Error Raised when the client LIBMI library encounters an error No Yes
Important: MI_All_Events is a deprecated event type and is not listed with the MI_EVENT_TYPE values. Using the MI_All_Events event type is not recommended.
The milib.h header file defines the MI_EVENT_TYPE data type and its event types. The DataBlade API event types can be grouped as follows.
Event type Event group More information
MI_Exception Database server exceptions Database server exceptions


State-transition events State-transition events
MI_Client_Library_Error Client LIBMI errors Client LIBMI errors

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