The xa_forget() function

The xa_forget() function enables an XA data source to disregard an heuristically completed transaction.

The syntax for the function is:
mint xa_forget (XID *xid,   /* IN */
            mint rmid,     /* IN */
           int4 flags)    /* IN */
Table 1. The xa_forget() parameters
Parameter Description
xid Pointer to the XID data structure that is defined in the xa.h file and used for the current transaction
rmid Unique resource manager identifier
flags TMNOFLAGS, which is the valid value.
The following code sample code fragment contains the xa_forget() function:
#include "xa.h"
mint mqseries_forget(XID *xid, mint rmid, int4 flags)
/*  Error  */
   return XAER_RMERR;
/* Success */
  return XA_OK;

For valid return values, refer to X/Open information, including Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification.

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