The ax_unreg() function

The ax_unreg() function unregisters the previously registered XA data source from the transaction.

By default, all XA-compliant external data sources are unregistered at the end of a transaction. Use the ax_unreg() function to unregister the data source before the end of the transaction so the data source does not participate in the transaction.

Use the following syntax for an ax_unreg() function:
int ax_unreg(int rmid, int4 flags)
For example:
     #include "xa.h"
     #include "milib.h"
     int   rmid, retcode;
   if ( (rmid = mi_xa_get_xadatasource_rmid("informix.Newyork")) <= 0)
        /* Error while getting XA data source id */
  retcode  = ax_unreg(rmid,  TMNOFLAGS);
  if (retcode != TM_OK )
         /* ax_uunreg() Error  */
 /* ax_unreg() is Successful */
When you use the ax_unreg() function, follow these guidelines:
  • Get the correct rmid (resource manager ID) value to use in the syntax for this function. If you do not know the resource manager ID, you can use the mi_xa_get_xadatasource_rmid() function to get the ID.
  • Make sure the flags are passed as TMNOFLAGS.
  • Only call the ax_unreg() function within an explicit or implicit transaction.
  • Do not call the ax_unreg() function from these contexts:
    • From the subordinator of a distributed transaction
    • From within a resource manager global transaction
    • In a nonlogging database
    • From any of the XA purpose functions that are specified in a CREATE XADATASOURCE TYPE statement.
  • Do not unregister an XA data source that is not registered or already unregistered.

For more information about this function, see the IBM® Informix® DataBlade API Function Reference.

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