Creating a shared-object file on Windows:

To create a shared-object file on Windows:

  1. Load the abs.o object file into a DLL named abs.dll, as the following example shows:
    link /DLL /OUT:abs.dll /DEF:abs.def abs.obj d:\informix\lib\SAPI.LIB

    The preceding command uses the HCL Informix® software installed on the d: drive in a directory named informix.

  2. If you are using Visual Studio 2005, embed the manifest file in the DLL with this command:
    mt -manifest abs.dll.manifest -outputresource:abs.dll;2

    The manifest file abs.dll.manifest was generated by the link command in step 1. The mt command embeds this manifest file in abs.dll. For more information about manifests, see the Microsoft website.

  3. Put the DLL in a directory on which user informix has read permission and set the READONLY attribute with the attrib +r command:
    attrib +r abs.dll

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