Register a C UDR

The CREATE FUNCTION statement registers user-defined functions in the database. The CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers user-defined procedures in the database. These functions store information about the UDR in the sysprocedures system catalog table.

Registration for a C UDR requires the following special clauses of the CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements to help the database server identify the routine:
  • The required EXTERNAL NAME clause specifies the path to the shared-object file that contains the compiled C code for the UDR.
  • The required LANGUAGE clause specifies the language in which the body of the UDR is written.
  • The optional WITH clause specifies the routine modifiers for the UDR.
For example, the following figure shows a CREATE FUNCTION statement that registers a user-defined function named abs_eq() whose corresponding C function is in a shared-object file named
Figure 1. Registering a C UDR
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description
Tip: The BladeSmith development tool, which is part of the Informix® DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK), automatically generates a file with the SQL statements needed to register a DataBlade. The BladeManager development tool can install and register a DataBlade module. For more information, see the IBM® Informix DataBlade Developers Kit User's Guide.

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