Load the shared-object file for debugging

To load the shared-object file, you must execute one of the UDRs within the file.

One technique is to execute the UDR itself within . For example, if a user-defined function named my_udf() is within the shared-object file, you can use the following SQL statement to execute my_udf(), which causes the database server to load the shared-object file that contains my_udf():
Another technique for loading the shared-object file is to define a dummy UDR in the shared-object file that you use to load the shared-object file, as follows:
  1. Create the dummy UDR in the shared-object file.

    The routine can be as simple as the following example:

    mi_integer load_so()
       return 0;

    To prevent name conflicts with other shared-object files (or DataBlade modules), you can put a prefix in the routine name.

  2. Compile the shared-object file.
  3. Register the dummy UDR with the CREATE FUNCTION statement.
    CREATE FUNCTION load_so()
    EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/lib/udrs/myudrs.so(load_so)'
To load the shared-object file, execute the dummy UDR. The following SELECT statement in your client application (or DB-Access) loads the myudrs shared-object file, which contains load_so():
SELECT load_so() FROM informix.systables WHERE tabid=1;

For more information about loading a shared-object file, see Load a shared-object file.

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