The tracing output

The DataBlade API tracing functions adds a prefix to each trace message with a time stamp to show the time that the trace message is written to the trace-output file. The time stamp enables you to associate trace output with other information, such as entries in the database server log file.

Suppose you use the DPRINTF macro to create the following tracepoints:
mi_string *udr_name = "myUDR";
DPRINTF("funcEntry", 15, ("%s: entering UDR", udr_name));
x = 9;
result = doSomething(x);
DPRINTF("funcEntry", 15,
   ("%s: after calling doSomething\(%d\), result = %f",
      udr_name, x, result));
If you set a trace level of 15 or greater and run the UDR at 8:56 A.M., the tracepoints generate the following lines in the trace-output file:
08:56:03  myUDR: entering UDR
08:56:03  myUDR: after calling doSomething(9), result = value

In the previous trace output, value would be the value that the function call of doSomething(9) returned.

When trace messages in the source of the UDR appear in English and the UDR uses the default locale as its server-processing locale, messages appear in English in the trace-output file. If the code set of the trace-message characters in the UDR source is different from (but compatible with) the code set of the server-processing locale, the database server performs the appropriate code-set conversion on these trace messages.

To write an internationalized trace message to your trace-output file, the database server must locate a row in the systracemsgs system catalog table whose locale column matches (or is compatible with) the server-processing locale for your UDR. For more information, see the HCL Informix® GLS User's Guide.

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