Preserving availability of the CPU VP

A well-behaved C UDR must preserve the availability of the CPU virtual processor (CPU VP).

The CPU virtual processor appears to execute multiple threads simultaneously because it switches between threads. The database server tries to keep a thread running on the same CPU VP that begins the thread execution. However, if the current thread is waiting for some other type of resource to be accessed or some other task to be performed, the CPU virtual processor is needlessly held up. To avoid this situation, the database server can migrate the current thread to another VP.

For example, a query request starts as a session thread in the CPU VP. Suppose this query contains a C UDR that accesses a smart large object. While the thread waits for the smart-large-object data to be fetched from disk, the database server migrates the thread to an AIO VP, releasing control of the CPU VP so that other threads can execute.

At a given time, a VP can run only one thread. To maintain availability for session threads, the CPU VP swaps out one thread to allow another to execute. This process of swapping threads is sometimes called thread yielding. This continual thread yielding keeps the CPU VP available to process many threads. The speed at which CPU-VP processing occurs produces the appearance that the database server processes multiple tasks simultaneously.

Unlike an operating system, which assigns time slices to processes for their CPU access, the database server does not preempt a running thread when a fixed amount of time expires. Instead, it runs a thread until the thread yields the CPU VP. Thread yielding can occur at either of the following events:
  • When the thread explicitly calls mi_yield()
  • When the thread requires some external resource to continue execution (such as file or data I/O)

When a thread yields, the VP switches to the next thread that is ready to run. The VP continues execution and migration of threads until it eventually returns to the original thread.

For a C UDR to preserve availability of the CPU VP, the UDR must ensure that it does not monopolize the CPU VP. When a C UDR keeps exclusive control of the CPU VP, the UDR blocks other threads from accessing this VP. A C UDR can impair concurrency of client requests if it behaves in either of the following ways:
  • It does not regularly yield the CPU.

    You must ensure that the C UDR yields the CPU VP at appropriate intervals.

  • It calls a blocking-I/O function.

    You must ensure that the C UDR does not call any blocking I/O functions because they can monopolize the CPU VP and possibly hang the database server.

Denying other threads access to the CPU VP can affect every user on the system, not just the users whose queries contain the same C UDR. If you cannot code a C UDR to explicitly yield during resource-intensive processing and to avoid blocking-I/O functions, the UDR is an ill-behaved routine and must execute in a user-defined VP class.

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