The SUMSQ user-defined aggregate

The SUMSQ user-defined aggregate squares each value and calculates the sum of these squared values.

It has the following algorithm:
x12 + x22 + ... 
where each xi is one column value; that is, one aggregate argument.
To determine the aggregate state for SUMSQ, examine what information needs to be available for each iteration of the aggregate. To perform one iteration of SUMSQ, the ITER function must:
  1. Square the aggregate argument.

    The ITER function has access to the aggregate argument because the database server passes it in. Therefore, ITER does not require additional information to perform this step.

  2. Add the squared argument to the partial sum of previous squared values.

    To add in the squared argument, the aggregate must keep a partial sum of the previous squared values. For the ITER function to have access to the partial sum from the previous iterations, the aggregate state must contain it.

The SUMSQ has a simple state because the data type of the partial sum is the same as that of the aggregate argument. For example, when the SUMSQ aggregate receives INTEGER values, this partial sum is also an INTEGER value. Therefore, SUMSQ can allow the database server to manage this state, which has the following effect on the design of the aggregate support functions:
  • The INIT support function does not need to perform state management.

    An aggregate with a simple state does not need to explicitly handle the allocation and deallocation of the aggregate state. Instead, the database server automatically allocates the aggregate state and initializes it to NULL. Therefore, the INIT function does not require other INIT-function tasks (see Table 1). Therefore, this support function can safely be omitted from the aggregate definition.

  • The COMBINE support function can be the same as its ITER function.

    No special processing is required to merge two partial states. The ITER function can adequately perform this merge.

Before the iterations begin, the partial sum needs to be initialized to zero. However, because the INIT function is not required for state management, this aggregate initializes the state in the first invocation of its ITER function. The ITER function then calculates the square of a single aggregate argument, and adds this value to a partial sum. When the last iteration is reached, the final partial sum is the value that the SUMSQ aggregate returns. Therefore, the SUMSQ algorithm does not require a FINAL function for post-iteration tasks.

The following code fragment shows the required aggregate support functions that handle an INTEGER argument for the SUMSQ user-defined aggregate.
/* SUMSQ ITER support function on INTEGER */
mi_integer iter_sumsq(state, value, fparam)
   mi_integer state;
   mi_integer value;
   MI_FPARAM *fparam;
   /* If 'state' is NULL, this is the first invocation. 
    * Just return square of 'value'.
   if ( mi_fp_argisnull(fparam, 0) )
      return (value * value);
   else /* add 'state' and square of 'value' together */
      return (state + (value * value));

/* SUMSQ COMBINE support function on INTEGER */
mi_integer combine_sumsq(state1, state2)
   mi_integer state1, state2;
   /* Return the new partial sum from two parallel partial
    * sums
   return (iter_sumsq(state1, state2));
The following SQL statement registers the SUMSQ user-defined aggregate in the database:
   WITH (ITER = iter_sumsq,
       COMBINE = combine_sumsq);

This CREATE AGGREGATE statement lists only the aggregate support functions that are required to implement SUMSQ: ITER and COMBINE.

Suppose that the ITER and COMBINE aggregate support functions for the SUMSQ aggregate are compiled and linked into a shared-object module named sumsq.

On UNIX or Linux, the executable code for the SUMSQ aggregate support functions would be in a shared library named

The following code fragment shows the CREATE FUNCTION statements that register the aggregate support functions for SUMSQ to handle INTEGER aggregate arguments.
CREATE FUNCTION iter_sumsq(state INTEGER, one_value INTEGER)
   EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/udrs/aggs/sums/'

CREATE FUNCTION combine_sumsq(state1 INTEGER, state2 INTEGER)
   EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/udrs/aggs/sums/'
For the tab1 table, which Figure 1 defines, the following query uses the new SUMSQ aggregate function on the INTEGER column, col3:

With the rows that Figure 1 has inserted, the preceding query yields an INTEGER value of 2173. To be able to use SUMSQ on other data types, you need to ensure that the appropriate aggregate support functions exist for this data type.

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