Display table information

Use the Info option on the TABLE menu to display information about the structure of a table.

Note the following items:
  • If you are not the table owner, the table name is prefixed by the owner name, as in june.clients.
  • If the list of tables does not fit on one screen, the last entry is an ellipsis (...). Use the arrow keys to highlight the ellipsis, and the next page of table names are displayed.
  • If globalization is enabled, the list of table names is sorted according to the database collation rules defined when the database was created. Thus, different users using different collating sequences for DB-Access see the table names in the database listed in the same order.
To request information about tables on a different database server, use the format database@server:table or database@server:owner.table at the prompt. The following example requests information about the customer table that dba created in the accounts database on the database server topend:
INFO FOR TABLE >> accounts@topend:dba.customer
The INFO menu has the following options.
Option Purpose
Columns Lists data type by column name and indicates which columns can contain a null value
Indexes Describes each index that is defined for a specified table
Privileges Lists the users who have Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Index, or Alter privileges for the specified table
References Lists the users who have the table-level References privilege for the specified table and the names of the columns they can reference
Status Lists the table name, owner, row size, number of rows and columns, and creation date of the current table
cOnstraints Displays the referential, primary, unique, and check constraints, and the default values for the columns in the specified table
triGgers Displays header and body information for a specified trigger
Table Redisplays the INFO FOR TABLE menu so that you can select a different table for examination
Fragments Lists fragmented dbspaces assigned to the table and, for expression-based fragmentation, displays the expression that is assigned to each dbspace
Exit Returns to the TABLE menu
Tip: From the CREATE TABLE menu, use Table-options to view extent and lock mode information, or issue a SELECT statement to list the table description in the systables system catalog table.

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