What is a DataBlade module?

A DataBlade module is a software package that extends the functionality of your HCL Informix® database server. The package includes SQL statements and supporting code written in an external language or Informix SPL.

DataBlade modules can also contain client components. A DataBlade module enables your Informix database server to provide the same level of support for new data types as it provides for built-in data types.

Users access DataBlade module services in the same way they access database server services: through SQL, SPL, and client programs linked with any of the Informix client APIs. DataBlade modules can also use the DataBlade API or SQL queries to access data types and routines in other DataBlade modules.

The Informix DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK) aids you in developing DataBlade modules. It provides graphical user interfaces to complete tasks, and it generates much of the code you need for your DataBlade module.

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