Task overview

After you design your DataBlade module, complete these general tasks to implement your design with BladeSmith:

  1. Create a DataBlade module project.
  2. Import interfaces from other DataBlade module projects on which you want your DataBlade module to depend.
  3. Define new DataBlade module objects, in this order:
    1. Data types
    2. Routines, aggregates, and casts
    3. Custom SQL and client files
  4. Add functional test data for each opaque data type support routine, user-defined routine, and cast support function.
  5. Generate DataBlade module files.

BladeSmith uses code templates to generate much of the code for your DataBlade module objects. However, you must add code to make your routines operate the way you intend. After you edit the source code files, compile them; then test and debug them.

You can modify your project file, generate files, and recompile the source code as often as necessary until your development is complete. BladeSmith merges your previous edits into the newly generated source code files. When your DataBlade module is complete, use BladePack to create installation packages for each platform you support.

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