B-tree indexing support

B-tree strategy and support functions support the use the B-tree secondary access method to create an index on your opaque data type column.

This category is valid for the C and C++.

The following B-tree strategy and support functions can be used:
  • Compare()
  • Equal() (bound to the = operator)
  • LessThan() (bound to the < operator)
  • GreaterThan() (bound to the > operator)
  • LessThanOrEqual() (bound to the <= operator)
  • GreaterThanOrEqual() (bound to the >= operator)
  • NotEqual() (bound to the != and the <> operators)

Defining these routines for opaque data types allows fast B-tree index searches on the new data types. If a query uses the operator bound to one of the functions, the optimizer can evaluate strategies that use the index.

For the C language, BladeSmith prefixes the names of these functions with the name of the data type for which they are specified: OpaqueCompare(), OpaqueEqual(), OpaqueLessThan(), OpaqueGreaterThan(), OpaqueLessThanOrEqual(), and OpaqueGreaterThanOrEqual().

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