Generate installation package files

To generate only the installation packaging files that BladePack uses to build installation packages, click the Packaging node in the Generate DataBlade dialog box, then click Generate Packaging.

The property associated with the Packaging node is Directory. The default directory is install. You can change the name of the directory where the installation files are saved, but the path must be relative to the project directory.

When you generate installation package files, BladeSmith creates a set of files that you use with BladePack to generate installation scripts for your DataBlade module:
Files created Description A bill of materials file.
project.cmp A components file.
project.prd A product file.
project.str A string file.
Restriction: Do not edit the generated installation package files. Instead, use BladeSmith to regenerate the installation package files after you have added or removed DataBlade module objects in the project file.

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