Opening the project file in Visual C++

After you generate your C or C++ source code, you can launch Microsoft Visual C++ and open the project workspace file for your DataBlade module by clicking MSDev on the Generate DataBlade dialog box.

You can also open the DataBlade module project in Visual C++ from BladeSmith at any time by choosing Tools > MSDev or clicking the MSDev button in the toolbar.

To launch Visual C++ and open the Visual C++ workspace file:

  1. With the project open in BladeSmith, choose Tools > MSDev.

    If the DBDK Visual C++ Add-In toolbar does not appear, you must add it manually. For instructions, see Manually loading the Add-In.

    A dialog box asks if you want to select a local database server.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Add-In Properties dialog box appears. See Specify properties for a project for more instructions on assigning a database server and database to your project.

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