ActiveX properties

If you choose to generate access methods in the BladeSmith New Opaque Type wizard, BladeSmith generates code to make the members of the data structure available as ActiveX properties so the client application developer can access those values.

If a member of an opaque type is an array, the following additional properties are made available:
Table 1. Additional ActiveX properties
Property Description
One-dimensional noncharacter array A read-only property named NameDim is created to indicate the array dimension, and the property Name takes a one-based index as a parameter and returns the requested element.
Two-dimensional noncharacter array Properties named NameDim1 and NameDim2 are created, and the property Name takes a one-dimensional character array. Returns a string of type BSTR.
Two-dimensional character array Treated the same as a one-dimensional noncharacter array: NameDim indicates the dimension; the property Name takes a one-based index and returns the element.

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