C++ support library

When you use BladeSmith to generate source code for your ActiveX value objects, the following C++ support library files are generated:
  • DkClient.cpp
  • DkIntf.h
  • DkIntf_i.c
  • DkIntfImpl.h
  • StdDbdk.cpp
  • StdDbdk.h

These files are used to compile both the client project and the server project; they are automatically included in the appropriate source files.

The C++ support library contains these classes and routines:
  • DkInStream class (text input parser)
  • DkOutStream class (text output parser)
  • Memory management routines

There are two types of delimiters you must be aware of when using the DkInStream and DkOutStream classes: string delimiters and field delimiters.

String delimiters are a pair of single-byte characters that indicate the beginning and ending of a string. By default, the string delimiters are the open and close quote characters (" "), but you can specify other characters by using the SetStringDelimiters() method.
Important: If you set the DkInStream class string delimiters to a different pair than the DkOutStream string delimiters, then these text parser classes cannot exchange strings.

Field delimiters indicate the beginning and ending of a field. By default, space characters are always field delimiters. In addition, you can specify a multibyte string to also be a field delimiter by using the SetFieldDelimiters() method.

A string can contain multiple fields and their delimiters. However, a field cannot contain a string.

For example, if the default string and field delimiters are in use and given the characters "Date: 4 28 97", then there is one string, Date: 4 28 97, and four fields: Date:, 4, 28, and 97.

To include a string-delimiter character in a string, precede it with a backslash character (\). For example, to read the string Date: "4 28 97", specify the string as follows: "Date: \"4 28 97\"".

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