ActiveX custom methods

This section is an alphabetic reference to all possible ActiveX custom methods for an ActiveX value object. It provides information about the usual behavior of each method.

ActiveX value objects (and the projects that provide them) can differ greatly. Thus, the set of custom methods made available to you can differ from object to object, or they can have different behaviors from what is described here (although the function headers and parameter lists of the methods do not vary).

These methods provide dual interfaces. Thus, you can either call them directly or by using IDispatch::Invoke.

Many of the methods compare the current ActiveX value object, named Opaque, to another object of the same type. All of the custom methods return HRESULT, with a value of S_OK (success) or E_FAIL (failure).
Table 1. ActiveX custom methods
Method Description
HRESULT Compare([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] int *relationship) Compares the current object to another object of the same type, returning:
  • 0 if the objects are equal.
  • -1 if the current object is less than the other object.
  • 1 if the current object is greater than the other object.
HRESULT Concat([in] IOpaque * other) Concatenates another object of the same type to the current object. This method is implemented for string objects.
HRESULT Contains([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object contains another object of the same type or FALSE if it does not.
HRESULT Divide([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the division of the current object by another object of the same type.
HRESULT Equal([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is equal to another object of the same type or FALSE if it is not.
HRESULT FromString([in] BSTR string) Converts a character string to a new instance of the current object.
HRESULT GreaterThan([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is greater than another object of the same type or FALSE if it is not.
HRESULT GreaterThanOrEqual ([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is greater than another object of the same type or FALSE if it is not.
HRESULT Inter([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the points in common between the current object and another object of the same type.
HRESULT IsNull([out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object has a null value or FALSE if it does not.
HRESULT LessThan([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is less than another object of the same type or FALSE if it is not.
HRESULT LessThanOrEqual([in] IOpaque *other,[out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is less than or equal to another object of the same type or FALSE if it is not.
HRESULT Minus([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the current object minus another object of the same type.
HRESULT Negate() Usually negates the current object: makes a positive object negative or a negative object positive.
HRESULT NotEqual([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is not equal to another object of the same type or FALSE if it is.
HRESULT Overlap([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object has any points in common with another object of the same type or FALSE if it does not.
HRESULT Plus([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the current object plus another object of the same type.
HRESULT Positive() Usually makes a negative object positive; a positive object remains positive.
HRESULT SetNullFlag() Sets the current object to a null value.
HRESULT Size([out, retval] double *size) Returns the size of the current object, in implementor-defined units.
HRESULT Times([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the current object times another object of the same type.
HRESULT ToString([out, retval] BSTR *string) Converts the current object to a character string.
HRESULT Union([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] IOpaque **new) Returns a new object representing the union of the current object and another object of the same type. This method is implemented for objects that represent areas.
HRESULT Within([in] IOpaque *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result) Returns TRUE if the current object is within the other object or FALSE if it is not.

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