Logging and error handling
BladeSmith adds logging and error handling code throughout the generated source code.
You can add additional logging calls by using the Log() method from the IfmxLog class. The Log() method calls the standard Java™ I/O package methods system.out.println() and system.err.println(). For more information about these methods, see the IBM® Informix® JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
If the Java value object is used on the client, the Log() method writes the logging messages to the standard output. If the Java value object is used on the server, the Log() method writes the logging messages to the Java log file.
The Java log file is distinct from the main database server log file, online.log. The Java log file contains all logging and tracing messages specific to Java methods.
You can change the location of the Java log file by setting the JVPLOGFILE configuration parameter; see IBM J/Foundation Developer's Guide.