Replace a shared object file

When a DataBlade module is loaded onto the HCL Informix® database server, the database server stores it in the database server memory map. Therefore, if you overwrite a shared object file while it is loaded in the database server, you must stop and restart the database server to unload the old shared object file and load the new one.

If you do not stop and restart the database server after replacing a shared object, the database server might fail when you call a DataBlade module routine.

To unload a module without restarting the Informix database server, you must drop all objects in the module by using the SQL DROP statement. After all objects in the module have been dropped and all instances of the routines have finished executing, the symbol references to the DataBlade module shared object are invalidated, and a message is recorded in the log file.

After the module is unloaded, replace the shared object file and load it into the database.

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