Run the Solaris debugger

To debug your DataBlade module, use a debugger that can attach to the active database server process and access the symbol tables of dynamically loaded shared object files. On Solaris, the dbx utility meets these criteria, as does debugger.

Before beginning debugging, enter the following commands to disable signal handlers in the debugger:
ignore SIGUSR1
ignore SIGUSR2
Tip: You can put these instructions in the dbxinit file. Then put the file in the $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory. However, then you must always start dbx from that directory.
To start dbx, enter the following command at the shell prompt:
dbx - PID
where PID is the process ID of the CPU VP or user-defined VP.

This command starts dbx on the database server virtual process without starting a new instance of the virtual processor.

When the debugger starts, it lists the loaded shared object libraries. If your DataBlade module shared object file is not on the list, load it by calling one of its routines in the database server.

You can set breakpoints, examine the stack, resume execution, or carry out any other normal dbx command. See the online dbx publication page for more information about available dbx commands.

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