BladePack overview

BladePack produces installation packages for installing products on UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating systems. BladePack can create a simple directory tree containing files to be installed or an installation that includes an interactive user interface.

On UNIX operating systems, an interactive installation includes install and uninstall shell scripts. On Windows, an interactive installation includes the Setup program created with InstallShield and, for InstallShield 3.1, the Uninstall program.
Important: You must have an InstallShield Professional 3.1 or 5.1 license to create an InstallShield installation for Windows. You specify the directory and version of InstallShield while you install the Informix® DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK).

The files in an installation package can be divided into separate components, subcomponents, and shared components. You must define at least one component for an installation package. You can designate the components to include in typical, compact, or custom installations. You can also allow users to customize their installation by choosing the components they want to install.

For example, in addition to the required shared object file and SQL scripts, a DataBlade module can include example files and online help files. You can place these additional files into separate components that are included in a typical installation but excluded from a compact installation.

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