File sharing options

For files in the Files to Install folder, choose one of these file sharing options from the Copy Options page:
Table 1. File sharing options from the Copy Options page
Option Description
File is system shared DLL Indicates that the file can be used by more than one program on the target computer. The file is marked to prevent it from being removed in an uninstallation process.
File might be in use on target system Indicates that the file can be in use when the program is installed. If the file exists on the target computer and is in use during the installation process, the installation continues, but the computer must be rebooted before the program is run. In this case, the installation program displays the Setup Complete, Reboot Required screen.
None Default. Indicates that your files are not shared and cannot be in use during the installation process. In this case, the installation program displays the Setup Complete screen without a prompt to reboot the computer.

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