ActiveX/C++ source code files

BladeSmith generates Visual C++ project and workspace files and a UNIX makefile into the \project\src directory.
Table 1. Visual C++ project and workspace files
File name Description
Project.dsp Visual C++ project file
Project.dsw Visual C++ workspace file
ProjectU.mak Combination C and C++ makefile for use from the UNIX command line
This section lists the files generated for an ActiveX value object project called Project that consists of a single ActiveX value object with an underlying opaque type called Opaque.
Important: In addition to adding logic to the opaque support routines (see Add project-specific logic to the source code), you can add your own functions to the C++ classes in the OpaqueCommon, OpaqueClient, and OpaqueServer .cpp and .h files. Do not modify any other of the generated source files.

The following sections provide a brief description of the ActiveX/C++ source files that BladeSmith generates into the project\src\ActiveX directory.

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