Functional test files

The functional test directory, project\functest, includes the following subdirectories:
Table 1. Functional test files
Subdirectory Description
cast Contains a subdirectory that contains functional tests for each cast for which you entered test data.
data Contains .dat files for each opaque type, user-defined routine, and cast for which you entered test data. The name of the data file is objectname.dat, where objectname is either the name of the opaque type or the name of the C routine associated with a user-defined routine or cast.
opaque Contains a subdirectory for each opaque type for which you entered test data. The subdirectory contains functional tests for the support routines defined for the opaque type.
udr Contains a subdirectory that contains functional tests for each user-defined routine for which you entered test data.

The project\functest directory contains a master shell script,, for executing all of the functional tests generated for the DataBlade module. Each subdirectory in the udr, opaque, and cast directories also contains a script to execute only the functional tests in that subdirectory.

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