Alphabetical list of generated files

The following table provides an alphabetical list of the files generated by the Informix® DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK).
Table 1. Alphabetical list of generated files
File name Directory Description
binexp.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests binary file import/export functions for an opaque type; uses nested calls to the binary file import/export functions. The result of the nested calls is equivalent to the text input format for the type.
binio.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests binary file input/output functions; uses the valid input data for the opaque type.
btree.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the B-tree index support routine.
call_neg.sql project\functest\udr\routine Negative tests for routine.
call_pos.sql project\functest\udr\routine Positive tests for routine.
cast.sql project\functest\cast\castfunction Tests for castfunction.
cleanup.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Drops the test tables from the database.
cleanup.sql project\src\tests Unit test script file. Optionally deletes and drops tables and data in your test database.

IfxQuery runs this file if you click Debug DataBlade Module with this file in the active window.

cleanup.sql project\functest\cast\castfunction Drops the test tables from the database.
cleanup.sql project\functest\udr\routine Drops the test tables from the database.
compare.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Compare() function.
concat.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the concatenation operator; calls the SQL Concat() function for an opaque data type with two instances of the type.
contains.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Contains() function. project\src\java Utility class file that provides exception-handling methods that are called when an exception occurs during input of a Java™ value object to or from the database server. project\src\java Utility class file that provides exception-handling methods that are called when an exception occurs during output of a Java value object to or from the database server.
divide.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Divide() function.
DkClient.cpp project\src\ActiveX Client-specific support library functions.
DkIntf.h project\src\ActiveX Client-specific support library header file that defines the ActiveX value object custom interfaces (IRawObjectAccess and ITDkValue).
DkIntf_i.c project\src\ActiveX Client-specific support library file that contains IIDs (interface identifiers) for interfaces defined in DkIntf.h
DkIntfImpl.h project\src\ActiveX Client-specific support library C++ template implementations for custom interfaces defined in DkIntf.h.
equal.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Equal() function.
errors.locale project\scripts Locale-specific error messages file.
greaterthan.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL GreaterThan() function.
greaterthanorequal.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL GreaterThanOrEqual() function.
hash.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Hash() support function with a SELECT...GROUP BY SQL query. project\src\java Utility class file that provides read methods to convert Java value objects between a string and the internal server format. project\src\java Utility class file that provides logging methods that are included throughout the source code generated by BladeSmith. project\src\java Utility class file that provides write methods to convert Java value objects between the internal server format and a string. project\src\java Not currently used.
inter.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Inter() function.
lessthan.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL LessThan() function.
lessthanorequal.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL LessThanOrEqual() function. project\functest Executes the all of the tests generated for the DataBlade module (.sh indicates this is a shell script). project\functest\cast\castfunction Executes the tests in this directory (.sh indicates this is a shell script). project\functest\opaque\opaque Executes the tests in this directory (.sh indicates this is a shell script). project\functest\udr\routine Executes the tests in this directory (.sh indicates this is a shell script).
minus.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Minus() function.
negative.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Negative() function.
notequal.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL NotEqual() function.
notify.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Assign() and Destroy() routines; inserts and deletes values in a new test table.
object.sql project\scripts SQL script file that contains the SQL statements to create DataBlade module objects in the database.
Opaque.c project\src\C A C file is generated for each opaque type; it contains the support functions for that opaque type.
Opaque.cpp project\src\ActiveX Client C++ file that contains the methods for the ActiveX value object that call into the C++ class (OpaqueClient.cpp).
Opaque.h project\src\ActiveX Client header file that contains the ActiveX value object definition. project\src\java Provides SQLData read and write methods to support opaque types written in C or C++.
Opaque.rgs project\src\ActiveX Client file with instructions for registering the ActiveX value object on the client computer.
Opaque.sql project\src\tests Unit test script file. Tests the support routines for each opaque data type. You can add SQL statements or modify the sample data for each support routine. Use this file if you are debugging Opaque.c or OpaqueServer.cpp.

IfxQuery runs this file if you click Debug DataBlade Module with this file in the active window. project\src\java Contains value object proxy methods for the value object named Opaque. Do not edit this file.
OpaqueClient.cpp project\src\ActiveX Client C++ class file that contains placeholders (function definitions and null bodies) for the methods for OpaqueClient. This file can be modified.
OpaqueClient.h project\src\ActiveX Client header file that contains the OpaqueClient class definition. This file can be modified.
OpaqueCommon.cpp project\src\ActiveX C++ file that contains the logic for all ActiveX custom methods and their server-project equivalents. This file can be modified.
OpaqueCommon.h project\src\ActiveX Server and client header file that contains the OpaqueCommon class definition. This file can be modified.
OpaqueServer.cpp project\src\ActiveX Server-side C++ class file that contains placeholders (function definitions and null bodies) for the methods for OpaqueServer. This file can be modified.
OpaqueServer.h project\src\ActiveX Server-side header file that contains the OpaqueServer class definition. This file can be modified.
OpaqueStruct.h project\src\ActiveX Server and client C header file that contains the OpaqueStruct definition (the C structure representing the opaque type).
overlap.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Overlap() function.
plus.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Plus() function.
positive.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Positive() function.
prepare.sql project\scripts SQL script file that contains SQL statements that describe the DataBlade module to BladeManager. project\install A bill of materials file that contains an entry for each file to be installed.
Project.cmp project\install Component file listing main components and subcomponents in the installation package.
Project.def project\src\C Definitions file listing all exported C routines; for use by Microsoft Developer Studio Visual C++ 4.2 or above.
Project.dsp project\src Visual C++ project file.
Project.dsw project\src Visual C++ workspace file.
Project.h project\src\C Header file that contains project definitions, including the C data structures that define your opaque types.
Project.ibs project BladeSmith project file.
Project.prd project\install BladePack product file listing the other files that define the installation package.
Project.str project\install Character string file for interactive installations.
Project_Java.mak project\src\java Use this file for compiling on either UNIX and Windows.
ProjectU.mak project\src Combination C and C++ makefile for use from the UNIX command line. project\src\java Contains method declarations for all user-defined Java routines, cast support routines, and aggregates in the BladeSmith project. You must edit this file to add the functionality you require.
ProjectWrap.cpp project\src\ActiveX C++ file that contains the interfaces to the server-side support routines.
ProjectWrap.h project\src\ActiveX Header file for the server-side interfaces.
ProjectX.cpp project\src\ActiveX Client project file with object map entry, DLL entry points, and so on.
ProjectX.def project\src\ActiveX Client project definitions file.
ProjectX.dsp project\src\ActiveX Client project Microsoft Developer Studio Visual C++ 5.0 ATL project file.
ProjectX.idl project\src\ActiveX Client project IDL file that Visual C++ 5.0 uses to generate ProjectX.h and ProjectX.tlb.
ProjectX.mak project\src\ActiveX Client project Windows makefile for scripts or for command-line users.
ProjectX.rc project\src\ActiveX Client project resource file.
ProjectXps.def project\src\ActiveX Client project file generated by ATL. project\src\ActiveX Client project file generated by ATL.
readme.txt project\src\C Describes the files in this directory.
readme.txt project\src\java Describes the files in the src\java directory.
Resource.h project\src\ActiveX Client project header file that contains definitions, including IDR_OPAQUE.
Routine.sql project\src\tests Unit test script file. Tests the user-defined routine. You can add SQL statements or modify the sample data for the routine. Use this file if you are debugging udr.c.

IfxQuery runs this file if you click Debug DataBlade Module with this file in the active window.

setup.sql project\functest\cast\castfunction Creates test tables and initializes them with test data.
setup.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Creates test tables and initializes them with test data.
setup.sql project\src\tests Unit test script file. Optionally initializes the database. You can add SQL statements to create and populate the tables necessary for your debugging tests.

If you specify this file as your initialization file in the Properties dialog box, IfxQuery automatically runs this file after it creates a database.

setup.sql project\functest\udr\routine Creates test tables and initializes them with test data.
size.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Size() function.
StdAfx.cpp project\src\ActiveX Client project file for precompiled header.
StdAfx.h project\src\ActiveX Client project standard header file.
StdDbdk.cpp project\src\ActiveX Support library file that provides the server and, with the DkClient.cpp file (see Client project files), the client library functions.
StdDbdk.h project\src\ActiveX Support library header file for client and server; contains class and function definitions.
support.c project\src\C C file that contains utility functions and #include directives for header files.
textexp.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests text file import/export functions; uses the UNLOAD and LOAD SQL statements.
textio_neg.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests text input/output functions; uses test data with invalid input data.
textio_pos.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests text input/output functions; uses only valid test data.
times.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Times() function.
udr.c project\src\C C file that contains user-defined routines, cast support routines, and aggregates.
union.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Union() function.
warning.txt project\src\c Describes potential problems with your source code.
warning.txt project\src\java Describes potential problems with your source code.
within.sql project\functest\opaque\opaque Tests the SQL Within() function.

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