Using BladeSmith to generate the AddInts DataBlade module and open the project file in Visual C++

To generate the AddInts DataBlade module:

  1. Choose Generate > DataBlade.
  2. With the DataBlade node at the top of the file tree selected, click Generate DataBlade.
  3. After BladeSmith finishes generating code, click MSDev to start Microsoft Visual C++ and open the AddInts.dsw workspace file.
BladeSmith generates the following files for your DataBlade module:
Table 1. Files generated by BladeSmith
Files Description
Makefiles The AddInts.dsw file is the makefile for Windows and the AddIntsU.mak file is the makefile for UNIX. These files are generated in the AddInts\src directory. See the IBM® Informix DataBlade Developers Kit User's Guide for instructions on compiling on UNIX.
Source code files On Windows, you access these source code files through the AddInts.dsw file. Source code files are generated in the AddInts\src\c directory.
Unit test files These files contain SQL statements to test your DataBlade module routines during debugging on Windows. Unit test files are generated in the AddInts\src\tests directory.
SQL scripts These files are saved in the AddInts\scripts directory.
Functional test files These files contain SQL statements to test your DataBlade module routines on UNIX after you finish debugging. Functional test files are generated in the AddInts\functest directory.
Installation files These files are used by BladePack when you package your DataBlade module. Installation files are generated in the AddInts\install directory.

For more information about the Generate DataBlade command, see the IBM Informix DataBlade Developers Kit User's Guide.

The BladeSmith portion of this exercise is complete; you can exit BladeSmith.

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