Add custom SQL to test for an sbspace
Because you are creating smart large objects, you must have a default sbspace defined in your database server. If you do not have an sbspace, you cannot register your DataBlade module. See the IBM® Informix® Administrator's Guide for information about creating an sbspace with the onspaces utility.
When a user registers a DataBlade module, BladeManager can execute a routine, SYSBldTstSBSpace(), to check for the required sbspace. If the sbspace is found, BladeManager successfully registers the DataBlade module. If the sbspace is not found, BladeManager does not register the DataBlade module, and an error appears in the registration log explaining the problem. You instruct BladeManager to run SYSBldTstSBSpace() by adding a custom SQL file to your DataBlade module project.
When you are creating a DataBlade module, you can use the DBDK Visual C++ Add-In to register the DataBlade module and check for the required sbspace. If the sbspace is not found, the add-in launches Notepad with the log explaining the problem.
To add custom SQL: