Implicit lld_lob casts

This section shows how to insert binary and character data into an lld_lob type column of a table. The following example makes use of implicit casts from BLOB and CLOB types to the lld_lob type.
Figure 1. Implicit lld_lob casts
create table slobs (key int primary key, slo lld_lob);

--Insert binary and text large objects into an lld_lob field
--Implicitly cast from blob/clob to lld_lob
insert into slobs values (1, filetoblob ('logo.gif', 'client'));

insert into slobs values (2, filetoclob ('quote1.txt', 'client'));

select * from slobs;

key  1
slo  blob:00608460a6b7c8d900000002000000030000000200000018000000000001000000608

key  2
slo  clob:00608460a6b7c8d900000002000000030000000300000019000000000001000000608

The slobs table, created in this example, contains the slo column, which is of type lld_lob. The first INSERT statement uses the filetoblob function to copy a binary large object to a smart large object. There exists an implicit cast from a BLOB type to an lld_lob type, so the INSERT statement can insert the BLOB type large object into an lld_lob type column.

Likewise, there is an implicit cast from a CLOB type to an lld_lob type, so the second INSERT statement can insert a CLOB type large object into the slo column of the slobs table.

The SELECT statement returns the lld_lob types that identify the two smart large objects stored in the slobs table.

The slo column for key 1 contains an instance of an lld_lob type that identifies the data as BLOB data and contains a hexadecimal number that points to the location of the data.

The slo column for key 2 identifies the data as CLOB data and contains a hexadecimal number that points to the location of the data.

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