Copy a large object to a large object

The following example uses the lobs table created in Figure 1.

The lld_copy function in the example copies large object data from one lld_locator type row to another.
Figure 1. Copy a large object to a large object
-- Copy an lld_locator to an lld_locator 
select lld_copy (S.lo, D.lo) from lobs S, lobs D where S.key = 1 and D.key = 2;

(expression)  ROW('IFX_CLOB      ','clob:ffffffffa6b7c8d9000000020000000300

select lo.lo_pointer::clob from lobs where key = 2;

Ask not what your country can do for you,
but what you can do for your country.

The second SELECT statement casts lo.lo_pointer to a CLOB type to display the data in the column.

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