ignore_json_format_errors index parameter

Enable the ignore_json_format_errors index parameter to skip inserting incorrectly formatted JSON or BSON documents and continue processing the SQL statement. By default, if you attempt to insert a JSON or BSON document that contains a format error, such as a missing brace or bracket, the entire SQL statement fails.

When you create a bts index or have an existing bts index and you insert JSON or BSON documents, the database server checks the formatting of the documents. When you enable the ignore_json_format_errors index parameter, incorrectly formatted documents are not inserted, but the rest of the statement continues processing. Any skipped documents result in messages in the online message log.


The following statement creates a bts index with the ignore_json_format_errors index parameter enabled on the example JSON docs column:

create index bts_idx 
          on json_tab (docs bts_json_ops) 
       using bts(ignore_json_format_errors="yes"); 

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