Regex character names

You can search for character codes by specifying the character name in a regex search.

You must use the syntax [=cname=], where cname is a character name. The character code is determined in the following order:

  1. If the character name exists in the current locale, the corresponding character code is used.
  2. If the character name is one byte, the name is used as the code.
  3. If the character name is listed in the following table, the corresponding character code is used.
  4. Otherwise, the character name was not found, and an error is returned.
Table 1. Character names for regex searches
Name Code
soh 01 = Start of heading
stx 02 = Start of text
etx 03 = End of text
eot 04 = End of transmission
enq 05 = Enquiry
ack 06 = Acknowledgment
bel 07 = Bell
alert 07 (BEL) = Bell
bs 08 = Backspace
backspace 08 = Backspace
ht 09 = Horizontal tab
tab 09 (HT) = Horizontal tab
lf 0A = Line feed
newline 0A (LF) = Line feed
vt 0B = Vertical tab
vertical-tab 0B (VT) = Vertical tab
ff 0C (FF) = Form feed
form-feed 0C (FF) = Form feed
cr 0D (CR) = Carriage return
carriage-return 0D (CR) = Carriage return
so 0E = Shift Out/X-On
si 0F = Shift In/X-Off
dle 10 = Data line escape
dc1 11 = Device control 1
dc2 12 = Device control 2
dc3 13 = Device control 3
dc4 14 = Device control 4
nak 15 = Negative acknowledgment
syn 16 = Synchronous idle
etb 17 = End of transmit block
can 18 = Cancel
em 19 = End of medium
sub 1A = Substitute
esc 1B = Escape
is4 1C (FS) = File separator
fs 1C = File separator
is3 1D (GS) = Group separator
gs 1D (GS) = Group separator
is2 1E (RS) = Record separator
rs 1E (RS) = Record separator
is1 1F (US) = Unit separator
us 1F (US) = Unit separator
space ' '
exclamation-mark '!'
quotation-mark '"'
number-sign '#'
dollar-sign '$'
percent-sign '%'
ampersand '&'
apostrophe '\'
left-parenthesis '('
right-parenthesis ')'
asterisk '*'
plus-sign '+'
comma ,
hyphen '-'
hyphen-minus -
period '.'
full-stop '.'
Slash /
solidus '/'
Zero 0
one '1'
two '2'
Three 3
four 4
Five 5
six '6'
Seven 7
Eight 8
Nine 9
Colon :
semicolon ';'
less-than-sign '<'
equals-sign '='
greater-than-sign '>'
question-mark ?
commercial-at @
left-square-bracket '['
backslash \
reverse-solidus \
right-square-bracket ]
circumflex ^'
circumflex-accent ^'
underscore _'
low-line _'
grave-accent `
left-brace '{'
left-curly-bracket '{'
vertical-line '|'
right-brace '}'
right-curly-bracket '}'
Tilde ~
del 7F = Delete

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