regex_replace function
The regex_replace function replaces a string that matches a regular expression.
str lvarchar,
re lvarchar,
rep lvarchar,
limit integer DEFAULT 0,
copts integer DEFAULT 1)
returns lvarchar
str clob,
re lvarchar,
rep lvarchar,
limit integer DEFAULT 0,
copts integer DEFAULT 1)
returns clob
- str
- The string to search. Can be of type CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, LVARCHAR, or CLOB. A null value is treated as an empty string.
- re
- The regular expression. Can be of type CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, or LVARCHAR. Cannot be null.
- rep
- The string to replace. Can be of type CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, or LVARCHAR. See topic on Metacharacters for metacharacter handling. Cannot be null.
- limit (Optional)
- 0 = Default. All matches are returned.
- Positive integer = The maximum number of matches to return.
- copts (Optional)
- The type of regex search:
- 0 = Basic regex
- 1 = Default. Extended POSIX regex
- 2 = Basic regex and ignore case
- 3 = Extended POSIX regex and ignore case
Use the regex_replace function to replace text in a string. You can run the regex_replace function in an EXECUTE FUNCTION statement or in an SQL query, such as a SELECT statement.
A single value that is the input string with all substrings, up to the limit value, that match the input regular expression pattern replaced as specified by the replacement pattern.
An exception is returned if an error occurred.
In this example, you want to have a web-based search engine that returns search matches in bold
using the "and" HTML tags. Furthermore, you want to make the entire word bold in which the match was
found. The regular expression in the example below looks for a word in which "she" or "She" occurs,
then replaces the matched text with itself (&), enclosed by "and" HTML
execute function regex_replace (
'She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashore
'( |^)[A-Za-z]*[Ss]he[a-z]*[.,$]',
(expression) <b>She </b>sells<b> seashells </b>on the seashore. The<b>
seashells </b><b>she </b>sells are seashore<b> seashells.</b>
The result displayed on a web page looks like
She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashore
You can restrict the number of matches replaced by using the optional integer
execute function regex_replace(
'She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are
seashore seashells.',
'( |^)[A-Za-z]*[Ss]he[a-z]*[ .,$]',
The result displayed on a web page looks like this, with only three
She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashore
The following example runs the regex_replace function in a SELECT
select id,
regex_replace(twister, '( |^)[A-Za-z]*[Ss]he[a-z]*[ .,$]',
from tongue_twisters
where regex_match(twister, '[Ss]he');
id 246
(expression) Sally sells sea<b> shells </b>by the sea shore. But
if Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore then
where are the sea<b> shells </b>Sally sells?
id 306
(expression) I slit a<b> sheet,</b> a<b> sheet </b>I slit, and
on that slitted <b> sheet </b>I sit.
id 361
(expression) <b>She </b>sells<b> seashells </b>on the seashore.
The<b> seashells </b>she sells are seashore
<b> seashells.</b>
The following statement reference four subgroups within the matched
execute function regex_replace (
'swap me all around',
'(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)',
'\4 \3 \2 \1'
(expression) around all me swap
1 row(s) retrieved.
execute function regex_replace ('swap me', '(.*) (.*)', '&: \2 \1');
(expression) swap me: me swap
1 row(s) retrieved.