SPL routines

By default, language usage privilege on SPL is granted to user informix and to users who hold the DBA privilege. Only user informix, however, can grant language usage privileges to other users. Users with the DBA privilege hold language usage privileges, but cannot grant these privileges to other users. Usage privilege to create SPL routines is granted to PUBLIC by default.

The following statement shows how user informix might revoke from PUBLIC but grant to users mays, jones, and freeman permission to create UDRs in SPL:
GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE SPL TO mays, jones, freeman
Suppose the default Usage privileges on an SPL routine have been revoked from PUBLIC. The following statement shows how a user with the DBA privilege might grant Usage privilege to register SPL routines to users franklin, reeves, and wilson:
GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE SPL TO franklin, reeves, wilson

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