Routine overloading for types in a type hierarchy
Routine overloading refers to the ability to assign
one name to multiple routines and specify different types of arguments
on which the routines can operate. In a type hierarchy, a subtype
automatically inherits the routines that are defined on its supertype.
However you can define a new routine on a subtype to override the
inherited routine with the same name. For example, suppose you create
a getinfo() routine on type person_t that returns the
last name and birthdate of an instance of type person_t. You
can register another getinfo() routine on type employee_t that
returns the last name and salary from an instance of employee_t.
In this way, you can overload a routine, so that you have a customized
routine for every type in the type hierarchy, as the following figure
Figure 1. Example of routine
overloading in a type hierarchy
When you overload a routine so that routines are defined with the same name but different arguments for different types in the type hierarchy, the argument that you specify determines which routine executes. For example, if you call getinfo() with an argument of type employee_t, a getinfo() routine defined on type employee_t overrides the inherited routine of the same name. Similarly, if you define another getinfo() on type sales_rep_t, a call to getinfo() with an argument of type sales_rep_t overrides the routine that sales_rep_t inherits from employee_t.
For information about how to create and register user-defined routines (UDRs), see IBM® Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide.