List attributes

For now, list the attributes for the telephone directory example with the entities with which you think they belong. Your list should look like the following figure.
Figure 1. Attributes for the telephone directory example
The diagram shows five rectangles. Each rectangle has a label above it. They are labeled as follows from left to right: name, address, voice, fax, modem. The rectangle labeled "name" has these attributes: fname, lname,bdate,anniv,email,child1,child2,child3. The rectangle labeled "address" has these attributes: street, city, state,zipcode. The rectangle labeled "voice" has these attributes: vce_num, vce_type. The rectangle labeled "fax" has these attributes: fax_num, oper_from, oper_till. The rectangle labeled "modem" has these attributes: mdm_num, b9600, b14400, and b28800.

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