Move data from other HCL Informix databases

Often, the initial rows of a table can be derived from data that is stored in tables in another HCL Informix® database or in operating-system files. The following utilities let you move large quantities of data:
  • onunload and onload utilities
  • dbexport and dbimport utilities
  • dbload utility
  • SQL LOAD statement
  • High Performance Loader (HPL)
You can also select the data you want from the other database on another database server as part of an INSERT statement in your database. As the following example shows, you can select information from the items table in the demonstration database to insert into a new table:
INSERT INTO newtable
   SELECT item_num, order_num, quantity, stock_num,
      manu_code, total_price
   FROM stores_demo@otherserver:items;

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