DataBlade modules and the database server

This section describes the overall architecture of the HCL Informix® database server, how DataBlade modules affect database server processes, and the application programming interfaces you can use in your DataBlade modules and client applications.

The following figure illustrates the following components of the Informix database server architecture when it includes DataBlade modules:
  • DataBlade modules, which extend the capabilities of the database server
  • DataBlade module application programming interfaces, which allow DataBlade modules access to data stored in a database
  • The database server, which includes virtual processors that your Informix database server uses to process tasks, the shared memory that these virtual processors use, and the Java™ virtual machine to process routines written in Java
  • The HCL Informix Client Software Development Kit, which includes client-side APIs that enable you to write client applications that access data stored in a database
  • DataBlade module ActiveX and Java value objects, which enable you to provide client-side interfaces to extended data types and their support routines
  • Client visualization tools, which enable you to view and manipulate data retrieved from DataBlade modules with third-party applications
  • Client applications, which allow the user access to DataBlade module functions and data stored in a database
    Figure 1. HCL Informix with DataBlade modules
    begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description
The close integration of DataBlade modules with the database server means that the database server treats new, extended data types in the same way that it treats its own built-in data types.
Important: You must use the J/Foundation option of HCL Informix to enable services that use Java. For more information about J/Foundation, see the IBM® J/Foundation Developer's Guide.

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