Upgrade to a higher version
To upgrade a DataBlade module to a higher version, run the SYSBldPrepare( ) function with the DataBlade module reference and the 'create' arguments.
For the complete calling syntax and the signature of the SYSBldPrepare( ) function, see its description in the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.
example, suppose you create a WorldView DataBlade module
that is dependent on a Map DataBlade module.
You have installed versions 4.13.FC3 and 4.13.FC4 of the Map DataBlade module
and versions 1.00 and 2.00 of the WorldView DataBlade module,
but only the map.4.13.FC3 and worldview.1.00 modules
are registered in the database. To upgrade from worldview.1.00 to worldview.2.00,
issue these function calls:
EXECUTE FUNCTION sysbldprepare('map.*','create');
EXECUTE FUNCTION sysbldprepare('worldview.*','create');
sequence of calls has the following effects:
- The first call upgrades the Map DataBlade module to the highest installed version.
- The second call upgrades the WorldView DataBlade module to the highest installed version
Here the asterisk in each function call specifies the highest installed version, so no exact version string is needed in the first argument.