Exceptions in calls to SYSBldPrepare( )

If the IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter is set to ON, authorization to invoke the SYSBldPrepare( ) function is available only to the Database Server Administrator (DBSA), and others to whom the DBSA has granted the EXTEND role. By default, the DBSA is user informix.

The SYSBldPrepare( ) function issues an error if you attempt to use the 'drop' option to unregister a DataBlade module on which another DataBlade module that is currently registered in the database depends.

HCL Informix® also issues an error if SYSBldPrepare( ) attempts to unregister a DataBlade module that is not registered in the database.

The following example shows an attempt to register a DataBlade module that is not installed and the resulting error message:
EXECUTE FUNCTION sysbldprepare ('web.4.13', 'create');

(U0001) - registerBlade - Unable to register web.4.13 
– DataBlade module not found 
- check online log and sysblderrorlog table for more information
Runtime errors that occur can result in diagnostic error messages from SYSBldPrepare( ) that are not Informix error messages. Consider the following example:
EXECUTE FUNCTION sysbldprepare ('ext.1.31', 'create');
The failure of a call to SYSBldPrepare( ) can return diagnostic messages like the following:
(U0001) - registerBlade - registration failed for ext.1.31 
– required VPCLASS is missing from onconfig 
- check online log and sysblderrorlog table for more information

(U0001) - registerBlade - registration failed for ext.1.31 
- sbspace problem 
- check online log and sysblderrorlog table for more information

(U0001) - registerBlade - registration failed for ext.1.31 
– unknown error 
- check online log and sysblderrorlog table for more information

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