Disk Space for Delete Tables

If you use the time stamp, time stamp and SPL routine, or delete wins conflict resolution rules, you must provide enough disk space for the delete tables that Enterprise Replication creates to keep track of modified rows for conflict resolution.

Delete tables handle conflicts such as when a DELETE or UPDATE operation finds no corresponding row on the target. The DTCleaner thread removes a row from the delete tables after all the servers have progressed beyond that row. Enterprise Replication does not create delete tables for tables that have replicates defined with a conflict resolution rule of ignore or always-apply.

Delete tables are created on the database server where the data originates and on all the database servers to which data gets replicated. Delete tables are stored in the same dbspaces, using the same fragmentation strategy, as their base tables.

To determine the disk space requirements to accommodate delete tables, estimate how many rows will be deleted or modified. For example, if the base table has 100 megabytes of data, but only half the rows might be deleted or modified, then 50 megabytes is a reasonable estimate for the size of the delete table.
Important: Do not remove the delete tables created by Enterprise Replication. The delete table is automatically removed when the last replicate defined with conflict resolution is deleted.

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