Defining Templates

You define a template using the cdr define template command, with which you can specify which tables to use, the database and server they are located in, and whether to create an exclusive or non-exclusive replicate set. Table names can be listed on the command line or accessed from a file using the --file option, or all tables in a database can be selected.

Important: A template cannot define tables from more than one database.

Specify that the replicate set is exclusive if you have referential constraints on the replicated columns. Also, if you create an exclusive replicate set using a template, you do not need to stop the replicate set to add replicates. For more information about exclusive replicate sets, see Define replicate sets.

A template defines a group of master replicates and a replicate set.

You can use the cdr list template command from a non-leaf node to view details about the template, including the internally generated names of the master replicates. These are unique names based on the template, the server, and table names.

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