Adding or Deleting Replicates From a Replicate Set

To add a replicate to an existing replicate set, use the command cdr change replicateset --add. For example, to add two replicates to sales_set, enter:
cdr change replicateset --add sales_set sales_kauai \
The state of the replicate when you add it to a replicate set depends on the type of replicate set:
  • For a non-exclusive replicate set, the state of the new replicate remains as it was when you added it to the set. To bring all the replicates in the non-exclusive set to the same state, use one of the commands described in Managing Replicate Sets.
  • For an exclusive replicate set, Enterprise Replication changes the existing state and replication frequency settings of the replicate to the current properties of the exclusive replicate set.

To delete a replicate from the replicate set, use cdr change replicate --delete.

For example, to delete the two replicates, sales_kauai and sales_moorea, from the replicate set, enter:
cdr change replicateset --delete sales_set sales_kauai\

When you add or remove a replicate from an exclusive replicate set that is suspended or that is defined with a frequency interval, Enterprise Replication transmits all the data in the queue for the replicates in the replicate set up to the point when you added or removed the replicate. For more information, see Suspending a Replicate Set and Frequency Options.

For more information, see cdr change replicateset.

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