Interpreting the Consistency Report

The consistency report displays information about differences in replicated data within the replicate or replicate set.

Inconsistencies listed in the consistency report do not necessarily indicate a failure of replication. Data on different database servers is inconsistent while replicated transactions are in progress. For example, the following consistency report indicates that two rows are missing on the server g_serv2:
Jan 17 2009 15:46:45 ------   Table scan for repl1 start  --------

------   Statistics for repl1 ------
Node                  Rows     Extra   Missing  Mismatch Processed
---------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
g_serv1                 67         0         0         0         0
g_serv2                 65         0         2         0         0

WARNING: replicate is not in sync

Jan 17 2009 15:46:50 ------   Table scan for repl1 end   ---------
The missing rows could be in the process of being replicated from g_serv1 to g_serv2.
If you choose to repair inconsistent rows during a consistency check, the report shows the condition of the replicate at the time of the check, plus the actions taken to make the replicate consistent. For example, the following report shows two missing rows on g_serv2 and that two rows were replicated from g_serv1 to correct this inconsistency:
Jan 17 2009 15:46:45 ------   Table scan for repl1 start  --------

------   Statistics for repl1 ------
Node                  Rows     Extra   Missing  Mismatch Processed
---------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
g_serv1                 67         0         0         0         2
g_serv2                 65         0         2         0         0

Validation of repaired rows failed.
WARNING: replicate is not in sync

Jan 17 2009 15:46:50 ------   Table scan for repl1 end   ---------
The warning indicates that inconsistencies were discovered.

The report indicates whether the replicate became consistent after the repair process. In this example, the Validation of repaired rows failed. message indicates that the replicate is not consistent. This might occur because some replicated transactions were still being replicated. Use the --inprogress option to extend the validation time.

The verbose form of the consistency report also displays the differing values for each inconsistent row.

For more information about the contents of the consistency report, see cdr check replicate.

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