cdr alter

The cdr alter command puts the specified tables in alter mode.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-cdr alter--+--------------------------+--+- --on--+---------->
              |                      (1) |  '- --off-'   
              '-| Connect Option   |-----'               

   V                      |   

  1. See Connect Option.
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
database The name of the database that contains the table The database server must be registered with Enterprise Replications. Long Identifiers
owner User ID of the owner of the table   Long Identifiers
table Specifies the name of the table to put in alter mode The table must be an actual table. It cannot be a synonym or a view. Long Identifiers

The following table describes the options to cdr alter.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--on -o Sets alter mode on.
--off -f Unsets alter mode.


Use this command to place a table in or out of alter mode. Use alter mode when you need to alter an attached fragment to the table or you want to perform other alter operations manually.

You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.


The following example puts table1 and table2 in alter mode:
cdr alter --on db1:owner1.table1 db2:owner2.table2

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