Return Codes for the cdr Utility
If a cdr command encounters an error, the database server returns an error message and a return code value.
The message briefly describes the error. For information about interpreting the return code, use the cdr finderr command.
The following table lists the return codes.
Return code | Error text | Explanation |
0 | Command successful. | |
1 | A connection does not yet exist for the given server. | A replication server involved in the command
is not connected to the server that is running the command. This error code can be returned when a cdr sync or cdr check task cannot switch connections between task participants. User action: Establish connections between all necessary replication servers and rerun the command. |
3 | Table column undefined. | A column name listed in the SELECT statement
of the replicate participant definition is not found in the table
dictionary. This error code can be returned if a shadow column name is included in the SELECT statement of the replicate definition. User action: Correct the SELECT statement of the participant definition. |
4 | Incompatible server version. | A cdr command originating
on a database server running an older version of Informix® attempted
to run on a database server running a later version of Informix. User action: Run the command from the replication server running the most recent version of Informix. |
5 | Unable to connect to server specified. | A replication server involved in the command
is not available for one of the following reasons:
This error code can be returned if one of the cdr sync or cdr check task participants cannot be accessed or if a task participant became inactive or went offline while a sync or check task is in progress. This error code can be returned if the user running the cdr define replicate or cdr change replicate command does not have Connect privilege on the database specified for the replicated table. User action: Check the status of all participating servers and rerun the command when all servers are active. |
6 | Database does not exist. | The database name specified for the replicate
in the command does not exist. User action: Verify the spelling of the database names and that they exist on each participant and rerun the command. This error code can be returned if the cdr view command is run and the sysadmin database does not exist. |
7 | Database not logged. | The database specified for the replicate
in the command is a non-logging database. Replicated databases must
be logged. User action: Change the database logging mode to buffered logging and rerun the command. |
8 | Invalid or mismatched frequency attributes. | The value for the --at or --every option
is not within the range of valid values or is formatted incorrectly. User action: Rerun the command with valid and correctly formatted frequency values. |
9 | A connection already exists for the given server. | This error code can be returned if the cdr connect server command is run for a server that already has an active connection. |
10 | Invalid replicate set state change. | The replicate set specified in the command
is not in the appropriate state for the command. This error code is
returned in the following situations:
User action: Run the cdr list replicateset and cdr list replicate commands to see the status of each replicate. |
11 | Undefined replicate set. | The specified replicate set does not exist
or the replicate set is empty. The replicate set name might be incorrectly
specified in the command. User action: Rerun the command with the correct replicate set name, or add replicates to the replicate set and then rerun the command. |
12 | Replicate set name already in use. | The replicate set name specified in the
command is already being used. Replicate set names must be unique
in the domain. User action: Run the cdr list replicateset command to view a list of replicate set names and then rerun the original command with a different replicate set name. |
13 | Invalid idle time specification. | The value for the --idle option
is not within the range of valid values or is formatted incorrectly. User action: Rerun the command with a valid and correctly formatted value. |
14 | Invalid operator or specifier. | Both the --ignoredel y and
the deletewins options were used in the same command.
These options cannot be used together. User action: Rerun the command with only one of these options. |
15 | Invalid length. | The ATS or RIS directory path specified
in the command exceeds 256 characters. This error can be returned if the server group name exceeds 127 characters. User action: Rerun the command with a shorter directory path or server group name. |
16 | Replicate is not a member of the replicate set. | The replicate specified to be deleted from
the replicate set is not a member of the replicate set. User action: Run the cdr list replicateset command for the replicate set to view a list of replicates in the replicate set and then rerun the original command with the correct replicate name. |
17 | Participants required for operation specified. | One or more of the participants necessary
for this command were not specified. This error code is returned if the sync source server or the target server is not defined as a participant for the cdr sync or cdr check task. This error code is also returned if the target participant list is empty. User action: Rerun the command with the required participants. |
18 | Table does not contain primary key. | The table specified in the command does
not have a replication key. This error is returned if the cdr sync or cdr check task cannot find the replication key for the table being repaired. User action: Add a primary key constraint or the ERKEY shadow columns to the table and rerun the command. If you have another unique index on the replicated table, you can specify to use the columns in that index as the replication key when you define the replicate. |
19 | Table does not exist. | The table owner name specified in the command
is not correct. This error is also returned if the table owner name is not specified for a table in an ANSI database. User action: Rerun the command with the correct table owner name. |
20 | Server already participating in replicate. | The participant specified in the command is already a participant in the replicate. |
21 | Command timed out | The command timed out while waiting for
queue monitoring to complete. User action: Check the server and connection status using the cdr list server command and, if needed, rerun the command and specify a longer timeout period. |
22 | Primary key not contained in select clause. | The replicate participant SELECT statement
did not include the replication key columns. User action: Rerun the command including the replication key columns in the participant SELECT statement. |
25 | Replicate already participating in a replicate set. | The replicate specified to be added to the
replicate set is already a member of the replicate set. User action: Run the cdr list replicateset command to view a list of replicates in the replicate set. |
26 | Replicate set operation not permitted on replicate. | The replicate specified to be deleted from
the replicate set does not have a valid name. User action: Run the cdr list replicateset command to view a list of replicates in the replicate set and then rerun the original command with the correct replicate name. |
28 | Replicate name already in use. | The replicate name specified in the command
is already being used. Replicate names must be unique in the domain. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to view a list of replicate names and then rerun the original command with a different replicate name. |
29 | Table does not exist . | The table name specified in the command
does not exist. User action: Rerun the command with an existing table name. |
30 | Invalid replicate state change. | The replicate specified in the command is
not in the appropriate state for the command. This error code is returned
in the following situations:
User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see the status of the replicate. |
31 | Undefined replicate. | The replicate name cannot be found in Enterprise
Replication catalog tables. The name of the replicate might be incorrectly
specified in the command. User action: Rerun the command with the correct replicate name. |
32 | sbspace specified for the send/receive queue does not exist | The CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter
is not set to a valid sbspace name. User action: Set the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter to a valid sbspace name in the onconfig file. |
33 | Server not participant in replicate/replicate set. | The server name specified in the command
is not a participant in the replicate or replicate set. This error is returned if a server name is not valid. User action: To see a list of all participants for each replicate, query the syscdrpart view in the sysmaster database. |
35 | Server not defined in sqlhosts. | The server group name specified in the command
is not defined in the sqlhosts file specified
by the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable. User action: Check the sqlhosts file for the correct spelling of the server group name, or, if necessary, update the sqlhosts file to add the server group, and then rerun the original command. |
37 | Undefined server. | The target participant cannot be found in
the Enterprise Replication catalog tables. The name of the server
might be incorrectly specified in the command. User action: Rerun the command with the correct server name. |
38 | SPL routine does not exist. | The SPL routine specified with the --conflict option
does not exist on one or more participants. User action: Make sure that the SPL routine exists on all participants and rerun the command. |
39 | Invalid select syntax. | The SELECT statement included in the command
is not valid or is missing from the command. User action: Rerun the command with the correct SELECT statement. |
40 | Unsupported SQL syntax (join, etc.). | The SELECT statement contains syntax that
is not supported for replicate participants. Syntax such as subqueries
in the WHERE clause or selecting from multiple tables with a JOIN
clause is not supported. User action: Rerun the command with the correct SELECT statement. |
41 | GLS files required for data conversion are not installed. | The
GLS files required for data conversion to or from UTF-8 are not installed. Code set conversion files are installed with the Client SDK and are in the $INFORMIXDIR/gls/cv9 directory. |
42 | Invalid time range. | The time range does not have valid values
or is formatted incorrectly. User action: Rerun the command with a valid and correctly formatted time range. |
43 | Participants required for specified operation. | The command did not include the required
participant information. User action: Rerun the command with participant information. |
44 | Invalid name syntax. | The name of a replicate or server in the
command is not valid, for example, the name might be too long. User action: Rerun the command with a valid name. |
45 | Invalid participant. | The participant syntax is not valid. User action: Rerun the command with a valid participant syntax. |
47 | Invalid server. | A connection between the current server
and the specified server is not allowed. This error code is returned
if a server attempts to connect to a leaf server that has a different
parent server. This error code is also returned if the server specified in the cdr repair command does not exist in the Enterprise Replication catalog. |
48 | Out of memory. | Enterprise Replication cannot allocate enough memory for this command. |
49 | Maximum number of replicates exceeded. | The maximum number of replicates that can
be defined from a particular server is exceeded. User action: Rerun the command while connected to a peer replication server. |
52 | Server name already in use. | A replication server with this group ID
exists. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see a list of all replication server names and group IDs |
53 | Duplicate server or replicate. | A replication server or replicate name is
listed more than once in the command. This error code is returned if the sync source server is also specified as a sync target server or if the same server is listed multiple times as a sync target participant. This error code is returned if the same group name is defined more than once in the sqlhosts file. User action: Rerun the command specifying each server and replicate one time. |
54 | Invalid conflict rule specified. | The conflict resolution rule is not correctly
specified. This error code is returned for the cdr define replicate or cdr modify replicate command under the following circumstances:
This error code is returned if the --timestamp option is used in a cdr check command and the replicate specified in the command does not use the time stamp or the delete wins conflict resolution rule. This error code is also returned when the cdr check command includes the --deletewins option but the specified replicate does not use the delete wins conflict resolution rule. User action: Correct the conflict resolution rule issue and rerun the command. |
55 | Resolution scope not specified. | The conflict resolution scope (row or transaction)
is required for ER to resolve conflicts between replicated transactions.
Scope is not required if the conflict resolution rule is ignore,
in which case ER does not attempt to resolve conflicts. User action: Rerun the command with a conflict resolution scope. |
56 | Shadow columns do not exist for table. | A conflict resolution rule requires the cdrtime and cdrserver shadow
columns but those columns do not exist in the replicated table. User action: Alter the replicated table to add the shadow columns by using the ADD CRCOLS clause and rerun the original command. |
57 | Error creating delete table. | The delete table corresponding to the replicated
table was not created. User action: Check the server message log file for additional error messages. |
58 | No conflict resolution rule specified. | A conflict resolution rule was not specified
in the command. User action: Rerun the command with the --conflict option to specify a conflict resolution rule. |
61 | User does not have permission to issue command. | The user running this command does not have
the DBSA privilege at one of the participants in the command. User action: Acquire the DBSA privilege on all participants and rerun the command, or rerun the command as a user that has the DBSA privilege at all participants. |
62 | Enterprise Replication not active. | The command cannot run because Enterprise
Replication is not active on the server. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see the status of the server. |
63 | Enterprise Replication already active. | The command cannot make Enterprise Replication
active because ER is already active on the server. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see the status of the server. |
64 | Remote/cyclic synchronization not allowed. | The command to define a replication server
was attempted on a remote server. User action: Rerun the command on the server that is being defined. |
65 | Server identifier already in use. | The server group ID is not unique. User action: Rerun the command with a unique server group ID. |
66 | No upper time for prune error. | The ending date value for the error pruning
range was not specified. User action: Rerun the command with a valid ending date. |
67 | Error not found for delete or update. | The error sequence number does not exist
in the errors table. User action: Run the cdr error command to see a list of error sequence numbers and then rerun the command with an existing number. |
68 | Invalid participant mode. | The participant type value is not valid. User action: Rerun the command with a valid participant type. |
69 | Conflict mode for replicate not ignore or always apply. | One or more replicate participants specified
in the command is defined as receive-only and must use a conflict
resolution rule of ignore or always. User action: Rerun the command with the --conflict option set to ignore or always. |
70 | Connect/disconnect to/from same server. | The command attempted to connect the local
server to itself. User action: Rerun the command with a different server name. |
72 | Cannot delete server with children. | The command did not delete the hub server
because the hub server still has child servers. User action: Delete the child servers and then delete the hub server. |
75 | Request denied on limited server. | The command is not allowed on leaf servers. It is also not allowed on replication servers
that are disabled. User action: If the server is in disabled mode, wait until the server is active and rerun the command. |
77 | Could not drop the Enterprise Replication database. | The syscdr database was not deleted
because a client is accessing it. User action: Wait for the client to unlock the syscdr database and then rerun the command. If necessary, use the --force option to drop the syscdr database if Enterprise Replication was partially deleted. |
78 | Invalid ATS directory. | The ATS directory path specified in the
command was not valid for one of the following reasons:
User action: Rerun the command with a valid ATS directory path. |
79 | Invalid RIS directory. | The RIS directory path specified in the
command was not valid for one of the following reasons:
User action: Rerun the command with a valid RIS directory path. |
80 | Invalid conflict resolution change. | The conflict resolution rule of a replicate cannot be changed to ignore or from ignore. |
84 | No sync server. | A synchronization server must be specified
if the replication server being defined is a non-root or leaf server.
The first server in a replication domain must be a root server. User action: Rerun the command with the --sync option. |
85 | Incorrect participant flags. | The participant type or owner option included
in the command was not valid. User action: Rerun the command with valid participant options. |
86 | Conflicting leaf server flags. | The --nonroot and --leaf options
cannot be used together. User action: Rerun the command with only one of the options. |
90 | CDR connection to server lost, id group_id, name groupname. Reason: System clocks off by %d seconds. | The system clock times on the servers differ by more than 900 seconds. |
91 | Invalid server state change. | The server is already in the state indicated
by the command. This error code can be returned if the cdr suspend server command is run on a server that is suspended or if the cdr resume server command is run on a server that is active. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see the status of the server. |
92 | CDR is already defined. | Enterprise Replication is already defined on this server. |
93 | Enterprise Replication is currently initializing. | Enterprise Replication cannot be stopped
on the server because replication is in the process of being initialized. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see the status of the server. Rerun the command when replication is active. |
94 | Enterprise Replication is currently shutting down. | Enterprise Replication cannot be stopped
on the server because replication is already in the process of being
stopped. User action: Run the cdr list server command to see the status of the server. If necessary, rerun the command. |
99 | Invalid options or arguments passed to command. | One or more of the options included with
this command are not valid options. User action: Rerun the command with valid options. |
100 | Fatal server error. | The command was not completed because of an unrecoverable error condition. |
101 | This feature of Enterprise Replication is not yet supported. | One of the participants included with this
command is running a version of Informix that
does not support this command. User action: Rerun the command with valid options. |
102 | Root server cannot sync with non root or leaf servers. | The synchronization server must be a root
server. The --sync option cannot specify a non-root
or leaf server. User action: Rerun the command specifying a root server with the --sync option. |
103 | Invalid server to connect. | A non-root server can connect only to its
parent or children servers. User action: Rerun the command specifying to connect to the parent or a child server. |
105 | UDR needed for replication was not found. | A user-defined type listed in the SELECT
statement of the participant definition does not have one or more
of the streamread(), streamwrite(),
or compare() support routines. User action: Create the required routines for the user-defined type and rerun the command. |
106 | Setup necessary for UDR invocation could not be completed. | The set-up process necessary to run the streamread(), streamwrite(),
or compare() routine for a user-defined type included
in the participant definition failed. User action: Check to be sure that the required routines for the user-defined type exist. Create them if necessary and rerun the command. |
107 | Sbspace specified for the send/receive queue does not exist. | The sbspace specified for the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE
configuration parameter is not a valid name or does not exist. User action: Correct the value of the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter or create the sbspace and rerun the command. |
110 | Data types with out of row or multi-representational data are not allowed in a replicate where clause. | A replicate participant WHERE clause cannot
include a data type that has out-of-row data, such as, a collection
data type, a user-defined type, or a large object type. User action: Remove the column with out-of-row data from the participant WHERE clause and rerun the command. |
111 | Cannot have Full Rows off and use stored procedure conflict resolution. | The stored procedure conflict resolution
rule requires full row replication. User action: Rerun the command without the --fullrow=n option. |
112 | The replicate set command could only be partially executed. Please run cdr list replset ReplSetName to check results. | The command was successful on some, but
not all, of the replicates in the replicate set. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see the status of each replicate and run the appropriate command on each of the remaining replicates. |
113 | Exclusive Replset violation. | The specified replicate is a member of an
exclusive replicate set, which requires this operation to be performed
for the replicate set instead of for individual replicates. User action: Run the equivalent command for the replicate set. |
115 | The syscdr database is missing. | The syscdr database cannot be opened. User action: Check server message log file for any additional error messages. If you received this error code after running the cdr delete server --force command, no action is required on the server being deleted. Run the cdr delete server command to delete that server on all peer replication servers in the domain. If you receive this error after running the cdr start command, make sure that Enterprise Replication is defined on the local server, and if necessary, define it by running the cdr define server command. |
116 | Dbspace indicated by CDR_DBSPACE is invalid. | The dbspace specified as the value of the
CDR_DBSPACE configuration parameter does not exist. User action: Correct the value of the CDR_DBSPACE configuration parameter or create the dbspace and rerun the command. |
117 | Enterprise Replication operation attempted on HDR secondary server. | Enterprise Replication commands are not
valid on high-availability secondary servers. User action: Rerun the command on a high-availability primary server. |
118 | SQLHOSTS file has multiple entries either at group ID or group name. | There are multiple group definitions for
the same group name in the sqlhosts file. User action: Update the sqlhosts file to make all group entries unique. |
119 | SQLHOSTS file has a problem with (g=) or (i=) option. | The group name specified in the command
is not found in the sqlhosts file. User action: Rerun the command with a valid group name or update the sqlhosts file and then rerun the command. |
120 | Cannot execute this command while ER is active. | Enterprise Replication cannot be deleted
on this server because replication is still active. User action: Run the cdr stop command and then rerun the cdr delete server --force command. |
121 | Master participant not found. | The replication server that is specified
as the master server in the command does not exist or is not a participant
in the specified replicate. User action: Rerun the command with the correct master server name. |
122 | Attempt to perform invalid operation including shadow replicates. | The replicate specified in the command has
shadow replicates, which prevent the command from completing. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see shadow replicate information. Wait for the shadow replicate to be deleted and then rerun the original command. If you are deleting the replicate, delete the shadow replicate and then rerun the original command. |
123 | Attempt to include an invalid participant in a shadow replicate. | The command attempted to add a participant
to a shadow replicate that does not exist in the primary replicate. User action: Rerun the command with a valid participant. |
124 | Invalid command passed to cdrcmd function. | An argument that is not valid was passed
to an internal routine. User action: Contact IBM® Software Support. |
125 | An error occurred concerning a mastered replicate. | The server specified as the master server
in the command is not included as a participant in the replicate. This error code is returned if the mastered dictionary verification fails when adding a participant to a mastered replicate. This error code is returned if Enterprise Replication encounters an internal error during master replicate definition. User action: Rerun the command with the master server included in the participant list or check the table dictionary. |
126 | Invalid template participant. | The same table name was specified more than
once in the cdr define template command, or a participant
name in the cdr realize template command is not
valid. User action: Rerun the command with unique table names or with valid participant names. |
127 | Template name already in use. | A replication template with this name exists. User action: Rerun the command with a unique template name. |
128 | Undefined template. | The template name specified in the command
does not exist. User action: Rerun the command with an existing template name. |
129 | Cannot delete specified replset as it is a template. | The replicate set specified in the command
is a part of a template and cannot be deleted with this command. User action: Run the cdr delete template command to delete a template. |
131 | Sync server not specified. | The synchronization server specified in
the command must be the same server that was specified in the cdr
define repair command. User action: Rerun the command with the correct synchronization server. |
132 | Invalid sync server specified. Server is not yet defined in ER topology. | The synchronization server specified in
the command is not a replication server. User action: Rerun the command with an existing replication server as the synchronization server. |
134 | Cannot lock the replicated table in exclusive mode. For more information see message log file. | The command cannot obtain an exclusive lock
on the table to set alter mode. User action: See the online message log file for other errors. |
135 | Replicate/table is not in alter mode. | The table specified in the command is not in alter mode and therefore alter mode cannot be turned off. |
136 | Snoopy sub-component is down. | Alter mode cannot be set because the log capture thread was not active. |
137 | Mismatch between local table dictionary and master dictionary. | The master dictionary does not match the
local participant dictionary. User action: Check the replicated table definitions on all participants. |
138 | Replicates not found for table. For more information see message log file. | Alter mode was not turned off because the
replicate definitions for the specified table cannot be found. User action: Check the spelling of the table name and rerun the command. |
139 | Mismatch in replicate names or states. Primary and shadow replicate states must match. See the message log file for more information. | The primary and shadow replicates are not
in the same state. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see the replicate state. When the primary and shadow replicates have the same state, rerun the original command. |
140 | Primary and shadow replicate participant verification failure. | The primary and shadow replicate information does not match. |
141 | Table is already in alter mode. For more information see message log file. | Alter mode cannot be turned on because the table is already in alter mode. |
142 | Classic replicates (no mastered dictionary) defined on the table. See message log file for more information. | One or more non-mastered replicates are defined on the specified table. Alter mode requires mastered replicates. |
146 | Resynchronize error, job name is already in use. | The job name must be unique. User action: Rerun the command with a unique job name. |
147 | Resynchronize error, specified replicate is a shadow repl. | The replicate specified in the command is
a shadow replicate. The operation cannot be performed on a shadow
replicate. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see a list of replicate names and rerun the original command with a primary replicate. |
148 | Only either participant list or target server can be given for a define repair command. | Both the target server name and a participant
list were included in the command. User action: Rerun the command with either a target server name or a participant list. |
151 | Resynch job can be started or stopped only at the source server. | This command must be run from the server
specified as the synchronization data source. User action: Rerun the command while connected to the synchronization data source server. |
154 | The replicate being repaired must be in active state. | The replicate specified in the command cannot
be repaired because it is not active. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see the states of replicates. |
156 | Cannot perform auto remastering process. Replicate is not defined with column name verification option (–name=y). Perform manual remastering process. | Automatic remastering is not possible for
the specified replicate. User action: Manually remaster the replicate. For instructions, see Remastering replicates without name verification. |
157 | CDR: Cannot verify/block grouper evaluation blocking condition. | The specified table cannot be set in alter
mode because the grouper component is not active. User action: Run the onstat -g grp and onstat -g ddr commands to check the status of the grouper and log capture. |
158 | CDR: Cannot unblock grouper evaluation. | Alter mode cannot be turned off for the
table because the grouper component is not active. User action: Run the onstat -g grp and onstat -g ddr commands to check the status of the grouper and log capture. |
159 | CDR: Grouper evaluation was already blocked in the same transaction. Commit the previous alter statement then re-execute the current alter statement. | More than one alter statement for replicated
tables was included in a single transaction. User action: Rerun each alter statement in its own transaction. |
160 | The specified table was not found in the database. The table specified is either a view or an internally created cdr system table and replicate cannot be defined on views and internally created cdr system tables. | A table name specified in the command was
not found or is not a type of table that can be replicated. User action: Rerun the command with valid table names. |
161 | Specified file to read table participants filename could not be opened. Please check. Template could not be defined. | The file name specified in the command does
not exist. User action: If necessary, create the file. Rerun the command with the correct file path and name for the table list. |
162 | CDR: Local group name not defined in ATS/RIS file. | The ATS or RIS file content is not in the correct format. The file might be corrupted. |
163 | Error detected while checking replicate attributes on the given table. | The specified table cannot be set to alter
mode because the table does not have any master replicates defined.
Alter mode requires master replicates. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to see the replicates that are defined for the table. |
164 | Cannot repair - ATS/RIS repair failed. | The ATS or RIS file content is not in the correct format. The file might be corrupted. |
165 | Cannot suspend replicate/replset because of dependent repair jobs. | The replicate or replicate set cannot be
suspended until the active repair jobs are complete. User action: Wait for the repair jobs to complete. Run the cdr list replicate command to see if the shadow replicates associated with the repair jobs still exist. After the shadow replicates are automatically deleted, rerun the original command. |
166 | Replicate set does not have any replicates. | The replicate set specified in the commands
does not contain replicates. This error code is also returned when no replicates are found for a cdr check repair task when the --allrepl option is used. User action: Run the cdr list replicateset command for the replicate set to see its replicates. |
167 | Enterprise Replication is not supported in Express Edition server. | Enterprise Replication commands cannot be run on servers running Express Edition. |
168 | The specified table is actually a view, replicate definition on view is not supported. | Replicates cannot be defined on views. User action: Rerun the command specifying standard table names. |
169 | Cannot realize an empty template/ | The template cannot be instantiated because
it does not contain any replicates. User action: Run the cdr list template command to see if the template contains replicates. |
170 | Template is not yet defined that does not have any replicates. | The template cannot be instantiated because
it is not defined. User action: Run the cdr list template command to see the names of defined templates. |
171 | Classic replicates do not support --verify (-v) and/or --autocreate (-u) options. | The --verify and --autocreate options
are valid only for master replicates. User action: Verify the replicate definition by running the cdr list replicate command. |
172 | Checksum libraries not installed. | Enterprise Replication cannot find the checksum
function for the cdr check replicate or cdr
check replicateset command. This error can occur if a replication
server is running a version of Informix that
does not support the cdr check replicate or cdr
check replicateset command. This error can also occur if the custom checksum function that is specified by the --checksum option is not installed and registered on all replication servers. User action: If the replication server is running Informix version 10.00, make sure that the checksum routines are registered. On Informix version 10.00, checksum routines must be registered manually. If you specified a custom checksum function, make sure that it is installed and registered on all replication servers. |
173 | External Sync shutdown requested. | The synchronization task is not active. This error code is returned when Enterprise Replication is being shut down on a replication server participating in a synchronization task started by the cdr sync or cdr checkcommand. User action: Run the cdr list server or cdr view servers command to see the status of the participating server and when all servers are active, rerun the original command. |
174 | External Sync abort required. | The
synchronization or repair task did not complete in the timeout period.
This error can occur if the replicate being synchronized or the shadow
replicate that was created to resynchronize the data is not active
at all the participants specified in the command. This error code is also returned when the cdr check replicate or cdr check replicateset command is run with the --enable option and the target server cannot be enabled and repaired in the timeout period. The timeout period is 128 seconds or the value you set with the --timeout option. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to check the replicate status. If all participants are active, try running the command again. If the server was being enabled, run the cdr list server command to check the server status. If all participants are active, try running the command again with an increased timeout value. |
175 | Sync has received a request to stop. | The synchronization or check command was stopped. |
176 | Sync attempted on replicate which is not active. | The synchronization or check command was stopped because one of the replicates specified is not active. |
178 | WARNING: Replicate is not in sync. | The replicate is not in sync. This error can be returned after running cdr check replicate or cdr check replicateset. This error can be returned after running cdr check replicate or cdr check replicateset with the --repair option if there are pending transactions that are not yet applied or if transactions were aborted. User action: If you receive this error after running a consistency check, repair the data. For more information, see Resynchronizing data among replication servers. If you receive this error code after repairing data, look for ATS or RIS files at target participants. If you see ATS or RIS files, look at the SQL and ISAM error code for the failures and if necessary repair the transactions by using the cdr repair command. If there are no ATS or RIS files at the target participants, rerun the original command with the --inprogress option to control how long check task rechecks inconsistent rows that might be in process of being applied at target servers. |
181 | Value specified cannot be set in-memory, for more information see message log file. | The specified configuration parameter was
not modified for the current session. User action: For more information, see the server online message log file. |
182 | Warning: Value specified was adjusted before setting it in-memory, for more information see message log file. | The value of the configuration parameter
specified in the command was adjusted and then the configuration parameter
was reset for the current session. User action: For more information, see the server online message log file. |
183 | Operation not supported for the specified onconfig variable. | The specified configuration parameter cannot
be dynamically updated while the server is running. User action: Edit the onconfig file and then shut down and restart the server. |
184 | onconfig text is specified in wrong format. | The value specified for the configuration
parameter is not valid. User action: For more information, see the server online message log file. |
185 | Specified variable is an unsupported or unknown ER onconfig or CDR_ENV variable. | The specified configuration parameter or
environment variable is not valid in this command. User action: Check the spelling of the configuration parameter or environment variable. |
186 | Value of onconfig variable cannot be changed when ER is defined. | The specified configuration parameter cannot
be changed after Enterprise Replication is initialized. User action: For more information, see the server online message log file. |
187 | Value of onconfig variable cannot be changed when HDR is defined. | The specified configuration parameter cannot be changed while the server is participating in a high-availability cluster. |
188 | WARNING: The onconfig variable is not modified as the specified value is same as stored in the memory. | The value specified for the configuration parameter is the same as its current value for the session. |
189 | Replicate cannot be defined or modified since the participant table is protected using Label Based Access Control. | The table specified in the command is using
label-based access control (LBAC), which is not supported with Enterprise
Replication. User action: Rerun the command with a different table name, or remove LBAC from the table and then rerun the command. |
190 | Code sets specified by CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE must be identical. | The ATS or RIS file repair operation requires
that the CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables
be set to the same value. User action: Reset the value of one of the environment variables to that it matches the other and then rerun the original command. |
191 | Cannot determine connection server ID for server. | The command cannot obtain the group ID for the server being connected to. |
192 | Unable to find or connect to a syscdr database at a non-leaf server. | The repair command canot find a root server from which to obtain the Enterprise Replication catalog information. |
193 | SQL failure due to server resource limitations. | An SQL statement failed with memory or lock resource-related error codes. |
194 | SQL failure due to loss of network connection to server. | An SQL query failed with a network error. |
195 | SQL failure. | This error code is returned when a command fails due to an SQL error code other than SQL resource limitations-related error codes. |
196 | Encountered an SQL error. | The command was stopped because an SQL statement failed. |
200 | Unexpected Internal Error with cdr check or cdr sync. | An internal UDR routine execution might
have returned an unexpected error. User action: Look at the additional error messages printed on the screen to get more details about this error. |
201 | Sync/Check encountered an unexpected column type. | The data type of one of the columns being synchronized or checked cannot be resolved for data comparison. |
202 | Source and Target do not have the same data type. | Corresponding columns on the source server and the target server have different data types. |
203 | Data for row or column not found. | Enterprise Replication cannot display the column value of a mismatched column on the screen. |
204 | Table could not be found. | The table that is being synchronized or repaired is not found on one of the participants. This error code is also returned if the participant being deleted cannot be found in the Enterprise Replication catalog tables. |
205 | Undefined server group. | The server group specified in the command
was not found in the Enterprise Replication catalog tables. User action: Rerun the command with an existing server group name. |
206 | Template not realized at sync data source. | The template cannot be realized on the specified
servers because it is not yet realized on the synchronization server. User action: Rerun the cdr realize template command specifying the synchronization source server as a participant. |
207 | Template already realized at one or more of requested servers. | One or more of the participants specified
in the command already has the template instantiated on it. User action: Run the cdr list replicate command to check the status of the participants and then rerun the original command with the correct list of participants. |
208 | Server unknown at remote server. | Information about the local server is not available at the remote server. |
209 | A byte sequence that is not a valid character in the specified locale was encountered | One or more characters in a name specified in the command is not valid. |
210 | Parameter passed to command (or internally, routine) is invalid. | An argument specified in the command does not have a valid value. |
211 | Command is too large to be executed as a background task. | The command specified as a background task
exceeded 2048 bytes. User action: Rerun the command without the --background option. |
212 | Sync/Check subtask aborted. | One of the tasks that was being performed
in parallel was stopped. User action: Check the command output to determine which task was stopped. |
213 | WARNING: set is not in sync. | At least one of the replicates in the specified
replicate set is not in sync. This error can be returned after running cdr check replicateset. This error can be returned after running cdr check replicateset with the --repair option if there are pending transactions that are not yet applied or if transactions were aborted. User action: If you receive this error after running a consistency check, repair the data. For more information, see Resynchronizing data among replication servers. If you receive this error code after repairing data, look for ATS or RIS files at target participants. If you see ATS or RIS files, look at the SQL and ISAM error code for the failures and if necessary repair the transactions by using the cdr repair command. If there are no ATS or RIS files at the target participants, rerun the original command with the --inprogress option to control how long the check task rechecks inconsistent rows that might be in process of being applied at target servers. |
214 | ER: The logical log replay position is not valid. Restart ER with the cdr cleanstart command, and then synchronize the data with the cdr check --repair command. | Enterprise Replication cannot start because
the logical log replay position is not valid. User action: Run the cdr cleanstart command and then the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option. |
215 | Command failed -- The specified table is an external table. You cannot include an external table in a replicate. | Tables created with the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement cannot be included in a replicate. |
217 | Error with Quality of Data command. | This error can be returned after running
the cdr define qod command if the quality of data
master server is already defined. This error can be returned after running the cdr start qod command or the cdr stop qod command if the quality of data master server is not defined or the command was run from a different server. User action: If the quality of data master does not exist, run the cdr define qod command and then rerun the original command. If the command was run on a different server, rerun the command from the quality of data master server, as indicated in the error message. |
220 | A node included in the list is not valid. | The server group specified in the grid command
was not found in the Enterprise Replication catalog tables. User action: Rerun the command with an existing server group name. |
221 | The grid name is not unique. | Grid names must be unique among grids and
among replicate sets. User action: Run the cdr list grid command to see existing grid names and run the cdr list replicateset command to see existing replicate set names. Rerun the original command with a unique grid name. |
222 | The grid does not exist. | The grid name specified in the command is
not the name of an existing grid. User action: Run the cdr list grid command to see existing grid names. Rerun the original command with an existing grid name. |
223 | grid enable user failed | The user name specified in the command does
not exist. User action: Rerun the command with an existing user name. |
224 | grid enable node failed | The server name specified in the command
is not the name of an existing replication server. User action: Rerun the command with an existing replication server name. |
225 | sec2er failure | The cdr start sec2er command
failed. User action: Following the instructions in the command output to perform all necessary prerequisites. |
227 | Region Command Failed | The cdr define region or cdr
delete region command failed. User action: Review the specific error message and make the appropriate corrections to the command. |
228 | Grid Table Command Failed. | The cdr change gridtable command
failed. User action: Review the specific error message and make the appropriate corrections to the command. |