onstat -g sync: Print statistics about synchronization

Prints statistics about the active synchronization process.

The following example shows output for the onstat -g sync command.
Prim   Sync   St.  Shadow Flag Stat Block  EndBlk
Repl   Source      Repl             Num    Num

655361 20     0    1310729 2    0    592    600

Output Description

Prim Repl
Replicate number of the replicate being synchronized
Sync Source
Source server of the sync
Sync replicate state
Shadow Repl
The shadow replicate used to perform the sync
Internal flags:
  • 0x02 = external sync
  • 0x04 = shutdown request has been issued
  • 0x08 = abort has occurred
  • 0x010 = a replicate stop has been requested
  • 0X020 = shadow or primary replicate has been deleted
Resync job state
Block num
Last block applied on targets (on source always 0)
EndBlock Num
Last block in resync process. Marks the end of the sync scan on the target. A value of' -2 indicates that the scan is still in progress, and the highest block number is not yet known.
Additional fields for forwarded rows:
Server where forwarded row originated
fwdLog ID
Originator's log ID of the forwarded row
fwdLog POS
Originator's log position of the forwarded row
endLog ID
Operation switches back to normal at this point
endLog POS
Operation switches back to normal at this log position
complete flag
Set to 1 after normal processing resumes for the originating source

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