The syscdr_rqm Table

The syscdr_rqm table contains statistics and contents of the low-level queues (send queue, receive queue, ack send queue, sync send queue, and control send queue) managed by the Reliable Queue Manager (RQM).

The RQM manages the insertion and removal of items to and from the various queues. The RQM also manages spooling of the in-memory portions of the queue to and from disk.

Column Type Description
rqm_idx integer Index number
rqm_name char(128) Queue name
rqm_flags integer Flags
rqm_txn integer Transactions in queue
rqm_event integer Events in queue
rqm_txn_in_memory integer Transaction in memory
rqm_txn_in_spool_only integer Spool-only transactions
rqm_txn_spooled integer Spooled transactions
rqm_unspooled_bytes int8 Unspooled bytes
rqm_data_in_queue int8 Data in queue
rqm_inuse_mem int8 Real memory in use
rqm_pending_buffer integer Pending buffers
rqm_pending_data int8 Pending buffers
rqm_maxmemdata int8 Maximum memory in use by data
rqm_maxmemhdr int8 Maximum memory in use by headers
rqm_totqueued int8 Total data queued
rqm_tottxn integer Total transactions queued
rqm_totspooled integer Total transactions spooled
rqm_totrestored integer Total transactions stored
rqm_totrecovered integer Total transactions recovered
rqm_totspoolread integer Total rows read from spool
rqm_totdeleted integer Total transactions deleted
rqm_totduplicated integer Total transactions duplicates
rqm_totlookup integer Total transaction lookups

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