Columns of the Buffer Tables

The buffer tables contain information about the buffers that form the transactions that are listed in the transaction tables.

The names of buffer tables end with _buf. All buffer tables contain the same columns and the same column definitions.

Column Type Description
cbflags integer Internal flags for this buffer.
cbsize integer Size of this buffer in bytes.
cbkeyserverid integer Server ID of the database server where this data originated. This server ID is the group ID from the sqlhosts file.
cbkeyid integer Login ID of the user who originated the transaction that is represented by this buffer.
cbkeypos integer Log position on the source server for the transaction that is represented by this buffer.
cbkeysequence integer Sequence number for this buffer within the transaction.
cbreplid integer Replicate identifier for the data in this buffer.
cbcommittime integer Time when the transaction represented by this buffer was committed.

The following columns combine to form the primary key for this table: cbkeyserverid, cbkeyid, cbkeypos, cbkeysequence.

The columns cbkeyserverid, cbkeyid, and cbkeypos form a foreign key that points to the transaction in the _txn table that the buffer represents.

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